
Complaints Toolkit

This toolkit builds on the 2015/16 Complaints Handling Framework project led by the NSW Registrar of Community Housing, and supports the implementation of the best practice principles described in the Framework.

While no ‘one size fits all’ framework would work across the sector, there are many benefits in developing some consistent practice methodologies on complaints handling. The toolkit aims to support the capacity of CHPs to implement the good practice approaches described in the Framework. It focuses on early resolution and learning from complaints. The toolkit also includes a selection of complaints handling templates for providers to adapt to their policy context around complaints.

It is not mandated that CHPs use the toolkit but the resources are designed to support better practice in complaint handling in the sector.

Web-based complaints toolkit
Complaints toolkit (Excel)
Complaints form
Example letters
Monitoring report for complaints
Complaints Handling Framework
Complaints Toolkit Video Demonstration