Three Rs of Mental Health - Recognise, Respond & Refer

SERIES: Best Practice with Customers

Course Overview

Community Housing plays an important role in the housing of people experiencing mental ill health and/or mental distress. Frontline staff and their managers are a key interface and need to be equipped with knowledge and skills to effectively engage and identify when their tenants or applicants require mental health support. This program is designed specifically for housing workers who are not mental health workers. It looks at how we Recognise key indicators of mental distress, how we Respond appropriately and who to Refer to in the mental health system. This program was developed by CHIA NSW and the Mental Health Coordinating Council for Housing Workers.

  • 2 half days 9:30am – 1:00pm
  • Online via Zoom
  • $300 incl. GST
  • 4 & 11 March 2025
  • 15 participants
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  • Gain understanding and knowledge of the mental health issues that tenants may experience.
  • Use appropriate communication skills when working with people experiencing mental distress or ill mental health.
  • Apply the basic principles of trauma informed practice.
  • Develop knowledge of the mental health system.
  • Make appropriate referrals to services that will meet the tenants needs.
  • Language matters.
  • Defining mental distress.
  • Recognising and responding to people experiencing mental distress or mental illness.
  • Trauma Informed Practice.
  • Understanding the mental health system and mental health services available across NSW.
  • Understanding the legal system for people with mental illness or experiencing mental distress.
  • Frontline workers who manage applicants and tenants
  • Specialist housing workers
  • Managers

The course is delivered online via Zoom. Participants attend two 3.5 hour sessions on two separate days.

Participants are provided with access to course material via Moodle prior to the sessions and will also receive infographics for their workplace outlining practical information and processes.

Chris Wilson has been involved in supporting people and training counsellors in mental health for over 20 years. In that time, he has developed experience in the specialist areas of First Aid Mental Health, trauma and trauma and addictions, and peer support. Chris currently provides training through CHIA NSW and the Mental Health Coordinating Council.

Chris uses his years of experience and current good practice to deliver the mental health Awareness program. He uses a holistic training style which provides participants with real skills and information which they can take back to their workplace.

“This course was amazing and insightful.”

“Excellent. Engaging and interesting.”

Need to chat?

If you are unsure which Professional Development course would suit you best, contact our CHIA NSW Learning & Development team by calling on (02) 9690 2447 or send us an enquiry via the form below.

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