Professional Development Courses
Working in a Culturally Safe Way
This course explores colonisation, government policies and shared history as the knowledge base to inform culturally safe practice. We will define cultural safety and examine ways to ensure cultural safety in our own work practice.
Housing Pathways
Housing Pathways is the way applications for housing assistance are managed in NSW. The Housing Pathways Framework provides coordinated information and advice using a single application and standard assessment process across all social housing organisations.
Introduction to Community Housing
The Induction Course provides new workers with information to assist them understand their work in community housing and what role they play in delivering high quality services to their customers and tenants.
Private Rental Assistance (PRA)
Designed for Community Housing Providers offering the Social Housing Management Transfer (SHMT) program, this training supports the delivery and management of Private Rental Assistance (PRA) products and
Managing Challenging Behaviour
Managing challenging behaviour is a significant issue for Community Housing Providers in sustaining tenancies and maintaining good neighbour policies. This session will explore good practice for managing challenging behaviour, investigate resources available through the toolkit and, reflect on and explore how you manage difficult situations.
Managing Hoarding and Squalor
As a Community Housing professional, you will respond to tenants who are identified as hoarders and may live in squalor. It is a complex mental health condition that can affect the person, their family and neighbours.
Three Rs of Mental Health – Recognise, Respond & Refer
Community Housing plays an important role in the housing of people experiencing mental ill health and/or mental distress. This program was developed by CHIA NSW and the Mental Health Coordinating Council for Housing Workers.
Strengthening Practice in Responding to Domestic & Family Violence
This session will discuss the myths and realities of domestic and family violence and explore strategies of reducing risk and increasing safety. Working with perpetrators is included as part of the session as many staff will work with perpetrators of domestic and family violence.
Trauma Informed Practice
As a Community Housing Provider, you are working everyday with people who have experienced trauma. This session gives you the opportunity to understand trauma and complexities, examine what impact trauma has on your work, and offers you some tools and strategies to improve and validate your current practice.
Applying Commonwealth Rent Assistance
Commonwealth Rent Assistance (CRA) is the way Community Housing Providers calculate rent subsidies for social housing properties, by using a single standard calculator to determine the assessable income of a tenant and their commonwealth rent assistance contributions.
Presenting at NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Community housing organisations have a responsibility to ensure tenancy issues are managed well and that attempts to resolve issues are made in a timely manner. You will be equipped with essential knowledge and understanding of the workings and processes of the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT), with an emphasis on sustaining tenancies.
Starting out in Social Housing?
If you are a new professional in social housing, you may want to consider our Certificate IV in Housing.
This qualification is our foundational program of study for those starting out in social housing and provides critical skills in areas the sector supports.
Need to Chat?
If you are unsure which qualification or Professional Development course would be best for you, give our CHIA NSW Learning & Development team a call on (02) 9690 2447 or send us an enquiry via the form below.