Course Overview
Private Rental Assistance (PRA) training has been developed for Community Housing Providers delivering the Social Housing Management Transfer (SHMT) program. It aims to support the delivery and management of PRA products and services.
The full suite of training is 2.5 days covering theoretical information about PRA and practical activities. Training can be contextualised to the needs of your staff, and may include a refresher or update on the products for more experienced members.
2.5 days
Face to Face
Free to Members, Funded by Homes NSW
20-22 May, 17-19 June & 24-26 June 2025
10 Participants
Group Bookings by Enquiry
- Understand the range of PRA products and services available and apply an appropriate housing solution.
- Identify which organisation delivers the product.
- Recognise how delivering PRA fits within the Housing Pathways access system.
- Demonstrate where to find out more about each product (policies, processes, procedures) on the CHaP portal and DCJ internet.
- Keep appropriate records in HOMES and OneTrim.
- Day 1: PRA in DCJ IT systems, Rentstart Bond Loan Advance Rent/Tenancy Assistance overview.
- Day 2: Bond Extra Private Rental Brokerage Services, Rent Choice overview.
- Day 3: Rent Choice Subsidy Tapering, Rent Choice Appeals.
This training is designed for frontline staff in SHMT CHPs who are delivering the PRA products and services. It is also frontline staff who would like to refresh their knowledge and skills.
The course is delivered face-to-face over 2.5 days from 9:00am – 4:00pm on days 1 and 2, and 9:00am – 1:30pm on day 3.
Participants must bring along a laptop with access to CITRIX including CHaP, HOMES & CM9-ONETRIM.
Julie Cleary is an experienced housing worker who has worked in social housing for over 12 years across various job roles including in the Housing Options Team, Affordable Housing Coordinator Housing Independence Office with Hume Housing. She is experienced in using Housing Pathways and training staff in applying up to date procedures to ensure an understanding and knowledge of the Department of Communities and Justice system.
Julie is result oriented, customer driven and quality focussed with a proven record managing multiple functions and procedures to strive for strong customer service.
Need to chat?
If you are unsure which Professional Development course would suit you best, contact our CHIA NSW Learning & Development team by calling on (02) 9690 2447 or send us an enquiry via the form below.