More funding for social and affordable housing is urgently needed

Media release

10 January 2023

The Community Housing Industry Association NSW (CHIA NSW) welcomes the NSW Opposition’s announcement regarding the proposed creation of Homes NSW, a single agency to be responsible for social and affordable housing in NSW.

CHIA NSW CEO Mark Degotardi said the fact remains that more than 57,000 people are on the social housing waitlist, a waitlist that has grown by more than 10 per cent in the last year alone.

“More work needs to be done in providing secure, long-term and affordable rental accommodation,” Mr Degotardi said.

“The problem is not just too much bureaucracy, it is too little government funding.

We urgently need investment in social and affordable housing from the incoming state government to address the shortfall and confront the housing crisis.

“The housing crisis is looming as a serious challenge we face as a state, and it is emerging as a critical issue in the upcoming New South Wales election.

“We call on candidates across electorates to commit to confronting the crisis and give this issue the attention it deserves.

“It is time for New South Wales to invest boldly in developing affordable community housing across the state,” Mr Degotardi said.

Media Contact: Bron Matherson, 0438 844 765