New data shows social housing waitlist in NSW has increased by 300 people in a single month

Media release

23rd March 2024

New data released today by the NSW Government shows an additional 300 families and individuals have joined the social housing waitlist in the past month alone. 

The social housing waitlist in NSW is the longest in the country with 57,904 families and individuals waiting for help.

The number of people with urgent housing needs has also increased, with an additional 100 families and individuals joining the priority waiting list during February.

“Every single day, 10 families are joining the social housing waitlist.  At that rate, the State Government needs to build more than 3600 social homes a year just to keep up with the increase in people needing help.  We need an urgent commitment from the NSW Government to significant long-term funding for social and affordable housing in NSW,” said Mark Degotardi, CEO of CHIA NSW.

“These are everyday people who are struggling to keep a roof over their head as rents continue to rise and vacancy rates plummet. They include older people on the brink of homelessness and women and children attempting to escape domestic violence. They cannot afford to wait,” said Mr Degotardi.

Mr Degotardi called on NSW Treasurer Daniel Mookhey to confront the escalating crisis by committing new and additional funding to social and affordable housing in this year’s state budget.

“The Treasurer can confront the housing crisis head on in this year’s budget. By investing $2 billion per year for the next five years, we can build 25,000 social and affordable homes and begin to make a dent in the housing crisis,” said Mr Degotardi.

“That’s a modest investment compared to the $72.3 billion committed by the State Government to transport infrastructure projects over the next four years.  The most important infrastructure you can invest in is housing.

“The NSW Government has a golden opportunity to respond to the housing crisis.  The community housing sector in NSW is the largest and most capable in the country and is ready to partner with the Government to build more social housing.  And the newly formed Homes NSW is ideally placed to be that partner.  The framework is there – we just need the funding.

“The NSW Government has said that housing is a priority – it’s time that the funding for social housing backs up that claim.

Media contact: Tamara Kotoyan, 0430 291 890