NSW lags behind other states on investment in housing as social housing waitlist climbs to worst in the country

Media release

30 October 2023

Community Housing Industry Association NSW (CHIA NSW) has called on the State Government to lift their game as new figures show the social housing waitlist in NSW has grown by 1,531 since June 2023, with a total of 57,411 families and individuals now waiting for a safe and secure home.

The figures released by the NSW Department of Communities and Justice show that:

  • The priority waitlist has grown by 5.3 per cent from June 2023 to September 2023.
  • The overall waitlist has grown by 1,531 to a total of 57,411 families and individuals between June 2023 and September 2023.
  • Just 489 families or individuals on the general waitlist were housed between June 2023 and September 2023.
  • The average wait time for the general social housing has increased by more than 40% in the past 12 months.

New analysis by CHIA NSW also shows that NSW has the longest social housing waitlist in the country.

But despite this damning figure, the State Government also has the third smallest budget commitments for social and affordable housing, behind just the ACT and South Australia.

Quotes attributable to Mark Degotardi, CEO of CHIA NSW:

“These figures show the dire housing situation in NSW is escalating, with the social housing waitlist increasing to 57,411 families and individuals,”

“Despite having the longest waitlist in the country, our State Government is lagging behind almost all of the other states and territories in terms of direct investment in social and affordable housing,”

“The Premier has a responsibility to ensure families in NSW have a safe and secure home. It’s time for the State Government to confront the housing crisis head on by investing in the social and affordable housing that is desperately needed,”

“The figures show demand for social and affordable housing is surging, and not-for-profit community housing providers want nothing more than to meet this demand by building more homes – but we can’t do this unless the NSW Government partners with us.”

Media Contact: Kayla Foster, 0447 040 029