Straight to work for new Housing Minister on confronting housing crisis

Media release

4 April 2023

The Community Housing Industry Association NSW (CHIA NSW) has congratulated Rose Jackson on being appointed the state’s new Housing and Homelessness Minister, while urging her to advocate for a significant and long-term investment in social and affordable housing in NSW.

CHIA NSW CEO Mark Degotardi said NSW urgently needs the new State Government to invest in building more social and affordable housing to cut the social housing waitlist which grew by 15 percent last year, and is now sitting at a staggering 58,000 individuals and families.

“This is an urgent call for the new Labor Government to get started on addressing the housing emergency today, because it’s only getting worse,” said CHIA NSW CEO Mark Degotardi.

“The housing emergency was a top tier issue for voters during the election campaign, but neither major party announced significant, tangible policies to tackle the problem.

“Vacancy rates in Sydney are at record lows of below one per cent, homelessness has skyrocketed across parts of regional NSW, and we’ve got a social housing waitlist with eye-watering queues in excess of ten years.

“The Minns’ Labor Government didn’t create this problem, but fixing it is now clearly its responsibility. We can no longer sit idly by while more than 200,000 households in NSW are in housing stress or facing homelessness.

“The announcement of the new ministry must be the start of a new compact between Government, not-for-profit community housing providers and the private sector – a commitment to the people of NSW that we do not accept the status quo.

“Ten-year social housing waiting lists, families unable to pay for basic needs like health or education, people living in cars or calling tents their permanent home are the things that must change.

“These problems are solvable with a strong housing strategy, sustained and significant investment from the Government and effective partnerships with key providers like the community housing industry.

“The work must start now.” said Mr Degotardi.

Media contact: Bron Matherson, 0438 844 765