
Member-exclusive Meltwater subscription offer

CHIA NSW has a subscription contract with Meltwater who provide a media monitoring service. We’ve discussed with Meltwater being able to offer the service to our members who can tack onto our subscription service as listeners at a significantly reduced rate. This is how it works:

CHIA NSW maintains its usual account as the admin, setting the search keywords that end up dictating which media articles and social media posts (containing those keywords) are collected. This comes through as a twice-daily media digest. These key search terms are:

Community Housing/NSW/Mark Degotardi (news and social)

Housing affordability and supply (news)

Members – this search contains the name of each organisation within CHIA NSW’s membership (news and socials) so you would see whenever your organisation is mentioned across news or socials.

CHIA NSW (news and social)

Regional housing (news)

Community Housing Innovation Fund

Michele Adair (CHIA NSW’s Chair) (social and news)

The cost for members is $825 (incl. GST) per year for a Listener licence which grants access to the digest reports which come out twice daily and collects all media (news and socials) relevant to those searches. Every article (except those from the Aus Financial Review) can be accessed regardless of paywall restrictions. See images below for how these digest reports look.

Members can discuss with CHIA NSW if they are looking for particular search terms to be changed or added, however, there is limited flexibility due to CHIA NSW having already set the maximum number of search terms.

If your organisations was to take up the offer, CHIA NSW will arrange this with Meltwater, pay the $825 fee and invoice you.

To express interest or get more information, please contact Media and Communications Adviser, Josh Appleton at [email protected].

Meltwater digest report – directory in email
Meltwater digest report – how article links look