St Mary’s Mansions, Dublin, Republic of Ireland
At a glance
• Landlord: Clúid Housing.
• Location type: Inner city.
• Residents: Many have lived on the estate all or most of their lives, and many families for several generations. New residents are also coming in.
• Estate size and type: 1940s build of 80 apartments in a square with an inner courtyard. Open balconies facing inward. Total stock locally: 120.
There was a time not so long ago when even social workers were reluctant to visit St Mary’s Mansions. The estate in North Dublin had become a hotspot for ASB, drug taking and crime. But residents saw a different picture. They were fiercely proud of their estate and its history as an example of design by the pioneering Dublin city architect Herbert Simms.
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DownloadThis project was made possible by funds provided by the NSW Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) under the NSW Community Housing Industry Development Strategy (IDS). The NSW Community Housing IDS is a partnership between CHIA NSW and DCJ.