Tenant Service Assessors pilot – Link Wentworth
At a glance
• Landlord: Link Wentworth.
• Location type: Organisational.
• Residents: 3,917 homes at the time of the pilot (2019 – 2020).
• Estate size and type: Organisation-wide initiative.
What is the Tenant Service Assessors pilot?
The Tenant Service Assessors pilot was a successful project designed to test the applicability of a tenant scrutiny approach in Australia. Under the Tenant Service Assessor (TSA) and tenant scrutiny models, tenants are encouraged to have direct and detailed input into a housing service area that they have selected. The goal is for tenants and landlords to better understand the service area, and through an intensive focus on a particular service, make improvements for everyone’s benefit.
Project background
In 2019 / 2020, CHIA NSW was funded by the NSW Department of Communities and Justice under the Industry Development Strategy to test the TSA approach in NSW. Link Wentworth was selected due to the involvement of their existing Tenant Advisory Group (TAG) and the organisation’s commitment to the project and to continuous service improvement.
Download a copy of the case study
DownloadThis project was made possible by funds provided by the NSW Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) under the NSW Community Housing Industry Development Strategy (IDS). The NSW Community Housing IDS is a partnership between CHIA NSW and DCJ.