
Working with Older Tenants Toolkit

Developed in partnership between Uniting and CHIA NSW, the Working with Older Tenants Toolkit is a brand new resource for providers facing the challenges of accommodation for an ageing population.

The Working with Older Tenants Toolkit is a resource for any providers supporting tenants ageing in place (i.e. Community Housing Providers, Aged Care Providers, long-term accommodation providers).

The modules in this Toolkit focus on key issues that impact Older Tenants, and best practice solutions for providers to utilise. Modules included cover:

Introduction – Working with Older Tenants: Building the capacity of community housing providers to support tenants to age in Place

Module 1 – Diversity and Older People

Module 1.1 Checklist Communicating with older tenants from a CALD background

Module 1.2 Checklist Return to country for older Aboriginal tenants
Module 2 – The Aged Care Service Delivery Model

Module 2.1 My Aged Care Assessment Flowchart
Module 2.2 Checklist Refusal to engage with My Aged Care

Module 3 – Housing Adaptations to Support Ageing in Place

Module 3.1 Making buildings easier for people with dementia and other cognitive impairments
Module 3.2 Easy Read Guide Applying for home modifications

Module 4 – Understanding Elder Abuse

Module 4.1 Checklist Indicators that might suggest elder abuse is occurring
Module 4.2 Resource Legal responses to capacity issues and elder abuse

Module 5 – Social Isolation and Loneliness

Module 5.1 Assessment tools for isolation and loneliness

Module 6 – Dealing with changes in behaviour

Module 6.1 Checklist working in partnership with health and aged care services

If you have any questions regarding the Working with Older Tenants Toolkit, please contact Adam West, Head of Business Development (CHIA NSW) at [email protected]

CHIA NSW thanks and acknowledges the NSW Department of Communities and Justice who provided funding to complete this project. CHIA NSW thanks and acknowledges Sue Cripps of SC Consulting who contributed significantly to the development of the Toolkit.

Complaints Toolkit

This toolkit builds on the 2015/16 Complaints Handling Framework project led by the NSW Registrar of Community Housing, and supports the implementation of the best practice principles described in the Framework.

While no ‘one size fits all’ framework would work across the sector, there are many benefits in developing some consistent practice methodologies on complaints handling. The toolkit aims to support the capacity of CHPs to implement the good practice approaches described in the Framework. It focuses on early resolution and learning from complaints. The toolkit also includes a selection of complaints handling templates for providers to adapt to their policy context around complaints.

It is not mandated that CHPs use the toolkit but the resources are designed to support better practice in complaint handling in the sector.

Web-based complaints toolkit
Complaints toolkit (Excel)
Complaints form
Example letters
Monitoring report for complaints
Complaints Handling Framework
Complaints Toolkit Video Demonstration 

IDS Project: Multi-Tenure Developments

This report on best practice for multi-tenure developments is based on extensive research and looks at bringing together social, affordable and private housing in multi-tenure developments that deliver vibrant communities that work well for different people.  Through its use of case studies, the report provides excellent insights into the key design, development and management approaches of successful multi-tenure developments.

The report has been undertaken on CHIA NSW’s behalf by Dr Judy Stubbs and is produced in conjunction with the Department of Family and Community Services:

Multi-tenure developments: best practice approaches to design, development & management (full report)

Multi-tenure development: summary report
Australian case studies
UK case studies
UK case study demography – East London
UK case study demography – Glasgow

Working with Perpetrators of Domestic and Family Violence

Community housing providers are often at the front line dealing with the fallout of domestic and family violence. Not only do they need to keep women experiencing family violence and their children safe, they also have to manage the housing situation of both the victims and the perpetrators.

This toolkit offers community housing providers practical resources, strategies and information to support engagement with perpetrators of domestic and family violence. The toolkit is accompanied by a series of supporting resources, which community housing providers can adapt to suit their needs.

Working with Perpetrators of Domestic and Family Violence: A Toolkit to Support Community Housing Providers

Working with DFV perpetrators – collaboration checklist
Building a web of accountability – a checklist to strengthen CHP practice
Web of accountability – case study
Policy template- responding to perpetrators of DFV within a tenancy 
Policy template- DFV and the workplace
Referral pathway for perpetrators of DFV
Tips for engaging with tenants who perpetrate violence
No To Violence Factsheet 
Home Visits Safety Checklist
Training Options

Strengthening Practice in Responding to Domestic and Family Violence


As landlords in the social housing system, community housing providers have responsibilities to support their tenants to sustain their tenancies and prevent homelessness.  Tenants, household members or applicants that experience domestic and family violence (DFV) have a right to expect that the sector will respond to help them.

Providers have an opportunity to make a significant difference through the implementation of well-designed and evidenced DFV policies and procedures and by ensuring that approaches to identifying and responding to DFV assist victims to either remain safely in their own home or relocate to a safe environment.  Critical to this is the need to ensure that the response is tailored to the individual or household.

The aim of the Strengthening practice in responding to domestic and family violence: A toolkit for community housing providers is to build on the existing positive practice in both community housing and specialist homelessness services and complement; support and enhance current best practice approaches so they are adopted throughout the sector.

The toolkit is split into 6 sections plus a separate power point presentation which include a wide range of resources to assist providers to effectively identify and respond to DFV.

CHIA NSW offers a 2 hour webinar on the toolkit to support its implementation in your organisation.

We also offer the CHCDFV001 Recognise and Respond Appropriately to Domestic and Family Violence unit as part of the Certificate IV in Social Housing, which incorporates the toolkit resources.

For further information on the 2 hour webinar and/or full day training session, please contact Catherine Tracey, Head of Learning and Development, Centre for Training in Social Housing: [email protected] or 02 9690 2447 ext 215 or 0410 338 973.


SECTION ONE Introduction
SECTION TWO Guidance tools and checklists
SECTION THREE Tenant and applicant resources
SECTION FOUR Case studies
SECTION FIVE A resource for employers
SECTION SIX Resource for Housing Professionals

Identifying & Responding Effectively to Domestic & Family Violence – A TOOLBOX TALK

Creating Sustainable Tenancies for Tenants with Complex Needs

With social housing only available to those who need it most, tenants have increasingly complex needs that community housing providers need to respond to. To support community housing providers to manage the tenancies of vulnerable people with more complex needs, the Federation has partnered with Q Shelter to develop the Creating Sustainable Tenancies for Tenants with Complex Needs Toolkit.

The Toolkit is a practical resource designed to equip community housing providers with the tools and resources required to implement best practice approaches to sustaining tenancies for tenants with complex needs.

Sustainable Tenancies introduction video

Sustainable Tenancies SECTION ONE

• Policy template NSW
Pathways to assist management of high risk tenancies
Emergency responses to behaviours of concern (BOC) for CHPs
Tenancy response plan (template)
Pathway to guide practice when a tenant with complex needs refuses to engage with support services
Vulnerability Assessment Tool


Policy template NSW – working with people who hoard
Managing hoarding pathway
Hoarding screening assessment form
Environmental Cleanliness and Clutter Scale
Clutter Image Rating Scale
Hoarding and squalor issues (letter)


Trauma informed care & practice checklist
Sustaining tenancy case study
Tenancy response plan (template)
Nuisance and annoyance breach of tenancy (letter)
Reminder notice breach (letter 1)
Reminder notice breach (letter 2)
Reminder notice breach (letter 3)

Social Housing Indicator Framework